Since 2012
A good cocktail, a nice night
A comfortable lounge, good music and great cocktails.
This is what we try to offer every night since we opened in 2012 in the center of Florence, a stone's throw from Piazza Santa Croce.
Our goal? To find the best balance between flavors, aromas and perfumes..

The early days Fuk was a small cafe, with an uncomfortable counter, very few seats but with an amazing atmosphere!
Starting from that, we have expanded to make everything a little more beautiful but always in our own way. The coffered counter, the warm color of the walls, the wallpaper in the bathroom and the beloved bottle rack: all this is our home and our history.
Cocktail Culture
Hundredth Anniversary of the Negroni:
Fukkoni – Campari, Oscar 697 rosso, Occitan
Negroni Salato – Gin al cappero e all'alloro, vermut dry, Campari
Il Frocioni – Cynar, liquore al finocchio, Bordiga smoke, Fuk bitter alla liquirizia
Zucconi – Rabarbaro Zucca, Campari, Braulio, Sylvius
Made in China – Tanqueray, Carpano, China
Why «Cocktail»?
Try splitting down the word. Cock and Tail. Rooster tail? The legends about the origin are manifold. The most curious:
Distortion of the Latin [aqua] decocta, or distilled water
Egg cup (coquetier in French, pronounced cocktay in English) used to serve spirits by the pharmacist Antoine Amédéé Peychaud
Colored rooster feather used to mix the first European liqueurs with tropical fruit juices
... do you have one?
«Mix... cosa»?
It's the time of Mixologist's trend. But what is the difference between barman and mixologist?
The barman is a classic approach in the preparation of cocktails and in the service, a little different from a dynamic and fast one, capable of managing greater turnouts, that is, the Bartender's approach. And the Mixologist? He is a bartender with a few more features: he invents (good) cocktails, re-interprets contemporary ones and becomes a precursor of trends.
Ah... All three make cocktails!
Zombie Cocktail Mystery:
Legend has it that in 1934, a businessman, back from a hangover, asked Donn Beach, creator of the first tikis, for a cocktail to get back on his feet and face a business trip.
He drank two.
A few days later he returned to the bar, protesting. The drinks had made him "a zombie".
Since then, Donn Beach stamped his clients' pulse to prevent them from drinking more than two a day.
P.S. We also drink three!
Contact us
From 18:30 to 2:00
Every day
Via Giuseppe Verdi, 19/red, 50122
The team

Bar manager
"L'originalitat consisteix a tornar a l’origen.”
Antoni Gaudì

Bartender & assistant manager
"Il primo bicchiere è per la sete;
il secondo, per la gioia,
il terzo, per il piacere;
il quarto, per la follia.”
Lucio Apuleio

Bartender & assistant manager
“La concentrazione della qualità determina l'eccellenza.”

“Se vedi il bicchiere
mezzo pieno o mezzo vuoto,
chiama il cameriere.”